Procurement Strategy & Transformation
Organisations often share a common, aspirational stretch vision for their futures. A future characterised by growth, new products, building competitive strength, and operating with sustainable and durable models to best serve their customers, employees and other stakeholders. These organisations aspire to be responsible, compliant, smart, focused, results oriented, data-driven, efficient, nimble, and flexible.
Procurement Framework

As they set their strategic priorities and objectives it all becomes very real in terms of their annual and multi-year plans. It is these priorities that give Clearview early sight of what Procurement needs to deliver and the people and infrastructure that need to be in place to support it.
Procurement should not just there to ensure compliance or to get three quotes. No, it can and should be there to deliver lasting advantage to the organisation – market advantage, delivered through procurement.
The waves of change in every industry will impact organisations significantly and, with growing dependency on suppliers, those who are best positioned from a strategic procurement perspective are poised to win out.
Value Contribution Curve
Best-in-class Procurement demands that the organisation assess current capabilities and embark on a roadmap to transform procurement, to implement the vision and to support the overall corporate strategy. At Clearview, we guide our clients through this process

Best Practice Approach
It can often feel overwhelming when we consider that organisations use thousands of suppliers and many more products and services. This is where Category Management and Supplier Relationship Management provide some real order. They allow us to group and prioritise key spend areas and tier our suppliers. End to end procurement lifecycle processes must be implemented from planning to managing, with the appropriate infrastructure and resources in place.
The effectiveness of this new category focused organisation must be measured for efficiency, compliance, savings, risk management. It must generate a return! It is imperative not to forget day-to-day procurement during all this change – the plans, tenders, contracts, orders need to be delivered.
We work together with the customer’s procurement team and internal stakeholders. We use our proven and tested methodology to assess the client’s current procurement model and operations. We focus on several key dimensions of Strategic Procurement, analyzing and scoring the client’s current capability against best practice. We then identify and prioritize gaps and opportunities for improvement.
This scoring must be considered in light of the overall strategic priorities, so as to shape the future state vision and position to deliver against these goals. The targets and gaps will shape the roadmap and the requirements in the procurement plan. Our methodology extends through to implementation, utilising a structured transformation program management model, underpinned by core change management and project management principles.
Procurement Diagnostic
This is the front end of our methodology where we assess procurement capability across several key procurement dimensions and compare against best-in-class. Identify key gaps and opportunities and build a prioritised roadmap for change. Often an extension of the diagnostic, Clearview engage with Procurement and the business to develop an agreed prioritised roadmap of strategies and implementation plans across the various aspects of procurement considering key risks, dependencies and resource requirements.
Service Characteristics
- Understand business strategy, objectives
- Examine multiple Strategic Procurement dimensions
- Examine spend categories
- Best practice evaluation
- Draft Future State
- Develop Prioritised Roadmap: Spend Categories & Procurement Infrastructure
- Capacity Planning
Transformation Management
Lead and manage the overall integrated procurement transformation or, alternatively, we can lead or support various elements of the change programme.
Service Characteristics
- Observer
- Programme Management
- Workstream Management (Individual or multiple)